Better People – Better Business – Better World
Honesty is a core value, a virtue, and a character trait to live by daily. Honest is being truthful in what I say and do. The opposite is dishonesty. That’s straightforward and easy to understand but not always easy to do. Why can’t we be honest?
After it rains and the Sun comes back out, beautiful colors appear in the sky as a rainbow. The colors sometimes make a perfect arch and look like a curved, short streak in the sky. So, what is the rainbow’s actual shape? In reality, there’s no end to a rainbow. A...
Compassionate Creativity
As a former IBMer, I have participated in several Rightsizing initiatives. You may be unfamiliar with the term “Rightsizing.” Forbes describes rightsizing as the process of restructuring a business to meet new objections and increase efficiencies. In most cases, it...
I love helping people learn and grow, and I believe we can all grow. In fact, I believe that if we aren’t growing we are dead. But how can we grow?
What if I asked you to eat a bowl of baking soda or flour? That would be disgusting. But what if you took the same ingredients and added an egg, butter, milk, salt, sugar, and vanilla extract, stirred them up, poured the batter into a pan, put the pan in the oven, and...
I ask myself a question: “What would it feel like if I wasn’t rushed?” I am not sure I know. Truth is, I can’t image what that would feel like because rushing here and there has become a way of life for me—not only for me but for so many. When you look at our world today, rushing is at epidemic levels.
Recently, I experienced a trifecta in my life. No, I did not pick the top three horses in order (1-2-3) in a horse race and win a big prize. However, I had three major life events happen in the same week.
When we think of Daniel in the Bible, the story of the lions’ den usually comes to mind (see Daniel 6). It certainly was a heroic moment in the life of this great man of God.
And when we think of Daniel’s friends—Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego—our minds go to the story of the fiery furnace (see Daniel 3).
When you’re asked to make a decision or facing a crisis, and things seem impossible, start by refusing to panic and getting all the facts. Then, it would help if you asked for more time to gain perspective. Why? Because your biggest temptation in the middle of making a decision is to be impulsive. You’re typically not thinking rationally. You’re thinking emotionally. You may be tempted to make a quick decision.
The key to posture is patience. Regarding posture, I am not referring to sitting up straight or walking tall. I am talking about how to position yourself so that any personal relationship or business deal can be a win-win situation. Patience is the key to good posture in any situation.