

Growing up, one of my favorite board games was Battleship. Each player had a game board and started with five ships. The ships had holes on top where a red peg would be inserted if the opposing player called out the corresponding number on the game board. A carrier...


In this blog, we’re using the word ‘worship’ in a unique way, not tied to specific religious expressions. Here, ‘worship’ is defined as a lens through which we examine what we prioritize and value most. The word, ‘worship’ is derived from the Old English ‘Weorþscipe,’...


We are all different, and that is good. Our faces, skin, hair, and eye colors are different. Our body shapes, fingerprints, thinking, desires, loves, dreams, what makes us happy, what makes us sad – all different. God made every person different, and every person is...


Growing up, we played a card game called “Who am I?” The goal was to ask the cardholder questions to try and discover who or what was on the card the cardholder was holding. You would win when you guessed the correct answer. My grandkids play a different version of...


Recently, a friend gave me the book The Way of the Shepherd (Leman and Pentak). The subtitle is Seven Secrets to Managing Productive People. The title caused instant intrigue, but as I read it, I was enthralled by the simple truths that can produce profound results. I...