

Growing up, we played a card game called “Who am I?” The goal was to ask the cardholder questions to try and discover who or what was on the card the cardholder was holding. You would win when you guessed the correct answer. My grandkids play a different version of...


Recently, a friend gave me the book The Way of the Shepherd (Leman and Pentak). The subtitle is Seven Secrets to Managing Productive People. The title caused instant intrigue, but as I read it, I was enthralled by the simple truths that can produce profound results. I...


When we think of Daniel in the Bible, the story of the lions’ den usually comes to mind. It certainly was a heroic moment in the life of this great man. And when we think of Daniel’s friends, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, our minds go to the story of the fiery...


Who are those people in the picture above? That’s a picture of the 1978 Ledford Senior High School graduating Class. We just had our 45th class reunion. Some things have changed, but some things are still the same. One of the unchanging things is the friendships...


We learn early on that it is better to give than to receive. Saint Francis of Assisi said, “For it is in giving that we receive.” And it was Winston Churchill who said, “We make a living by what we get; we make a life by what we give.” Giving is an integral part of...