
After it rains and the Sun comes back out, beautiful colors appear in the sky as a rainbow. The colors sometimes make a perfect arch and look like a curved, short streak in the sky. So, what is the rainbow’s actual shape?

In reality, there’s no end to a rainbow. A rainbow is a full circle. The only way to see it in its full circular shape is to observe it from up in the air. This is because the horizon blocks our view of the other half of the rainbow while we are on the ground. This gives us the wrong impression that rainbows are colorful arches that stretch high into the sky and end somewhere in the distance.

This fact may come as a shock, and I hope it doesn’t diminish the awe of a rainbow. I love seeing the beautiful colors and am amazed by what it takes to make one. It doesn’t happen all the time, so it’s cool when you see one. The truth is that rainbows are awesome.

There is something else remarkable about a rainbow. God made the rainbow and gave it to Noah and us as a promise that He would never again destroy the entire earth with a flood.

Like a rainbow, which has no end point, God has no beginning or end. God is eternal. Rainbows will come and go, but God is forever. He never changes, and He is the same today, yesterday, and tomorrow. That truth provides a strong foundation on which we can stand and the hope and assurance we need in a changing world.

We all experience difficulties in our lives, and often, we don’t know when they will start or when they will end. What I do know is that whatever I have, am, or will go through, God is with me. This is encouraging, and it encourages me to continue moving forward.

At Doing Good at Work, we provide weekly encouragement to discouraged people. We care about others and understand the importance of encouraging thoughts, words, or deeds. What type of encouragement do you need? What kind of encouragement can you provide? Learn how you can become an Encourager. Click HERE to start the conversation.

REMEMBER: Better People make Better Businesses, and Better Businesses make a Better World.

Encouraging Others,


Dr. Boomer Brown, Ph.D., is the CEO of Doing Good at Work, a 501(c) 3 organization that operates with the efficiency of a business. Our mission is to ‘Make People Better’ because we firmly believe that better people make better businesses, and better businesses make a better world. Learn more about our work and how you can be part of this transformative journey: https://doinggoodatwork.com/

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