
I love helping people learn and grow, and I believe we can all grow. In fact, I believe that if we aren’t growing we are dead. But how can we grow?

Just like a plant grows, we can look for the sun or the direction we want to go, see where we are, and determine what we need to do to get there.

A vital key to growth is being humble or practicing humility.

The dictionary describes humility as having a modest or low opinion of oneself. At first reading, you might think this means you must have low self-esteem or low self-image. This is the farthest thing from the truth. Actually, people who are humble know who they are, are confident, and know where they are going in life. They can relax, be themselves, and be genuine and authentic. 

I think you would agree that we see less and less humility in the world. In just these last few years, the world has become more divided than ever because everybody feels that their opinions are the most important and their rights must be won at all costs. So why is humility important? 

Simply put, if you aren’t humble, you are not thinking realistically, and you will cause yourself harm with unwise choices. Eventually, an arrogant attitude will alienate everyone around you.

You will be the type of employee that gets fired from every job you get. Everything will be an argument, and no one will live up to your standards. In the end, it will affect every relationship in your life.

On the other hand, humility will help you make good decisions, draw others to you, and promote unity and teamwork. You will be able to see where you can grow and improve, and you will be able to enjoy the life you have without always dreaming of something better!

Humble people care about others. They are patient, good listeners, always learning, asking questions, respecting others, and maintaining flexibility. They love others and are loved. Humble living provides fertile soil for growth, and grow they do.

At Doing Good at Work, one of our core values is HUMBLE. We meet people where they are and respect them. We intentionally position ourselves to support and encourage people and organizations. Learn how you can join us and help us encourage people everywhere. Click HERE to start the conversation.

REMEMBER: Better People make Better Businesses, and Better Businesses make a Better World.

Encouraging Others,

Dr. Boomer Brown, Ph.D., is the CEO of Doing Good at Work, a 501(c) 3 organization that operates with the efficiency of a business. Our mission is to ‘Make People Better’ because we firmly believe that better people make better businesses and better businesses make a better world. Learn more about our work and how you can be part of this transformative journey:

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