
While writing this blog, I looked at the US National Debt Clock. Ouch! The United States of America has $35,168,760,900,784 in debt. That number only lasted two seconds and then went up. That is approximately $104,424 for every person in America. Those numbers are dynamic and have the potential to be devastating.

More devastating than the national debt is the sin debt that all humankind owes. What is “Sin Debt?” Sin Debt is the payment that I and you owe to a righteous and holy God. The Bible says in the book of Romans (Romans 3:23), “For all (mankind) have fallen short the glory (holiness or perfection) of God.” God is perfect, and it only takes me one act of unrighteousness (sin), thinking, saying, or doing the wrong thing, and I am not perfect. What is the payment for this debt we owe? Again, the Bible in Romans (Romans 6:23) says, “The wages (what I earn or owe) is death!” Ouch! The truth is I owe a debt I cannot pay on my own, and the payment schedule is death. So, what are we to do?

Here’s the Good News (the Greek word for good news is Euangelion: translated as Good news or Gospel). The same verse in Romans that says the wages of sin are death, ends by saying, “But the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord and savior.” Jesus paid the sin debt I and you owe in full (Tetelestai: Greek word for paid in full). He did this when He died for all mankind at Calvary. This knowledge brings profound relief and peace, knowing that He paid our sin debt in full. But He doesn’t stop there. He rose from paying the debt (death) and He gives all who believe eternal life! That is a good deal!

From a business perspective, this is an accounting transition. But it is more than that; it is an eternal transaction. To apply for the payment, each individual needs to admit a sinful debt is owed, apply for the payment, and receive the gift of eternal life. This is done by and through faith.

This isn’t a religious or political blog, but it is a spiritual reality check. Have you dealt with your sin debt? Today the bank is open and the banker is in the house. The time to make that transaction is now, before it is eternally too late.

At Doing Good at Work, we equip and empower leaders and their people to understand that earthly transactions have eternal ramifications. That’s why we encourage, engage, and enable businesses and organizations to build workplaces that recognize, care, and support one another. Would you like to lead a workplace like this? If so, click HERE to start the conversation and explore how to sharpen your people strategy.

REMEMBER: Better People make Better Businesses, and Better Businesses make a Better World.

Working together on E-ROI,

Dr. Boomer Brown, Ph.D., is the CEO of Doing Good at Work. Doing Good at Work is a 501(c) 3 organization that functions like a business. We desire to “Make People Better” because we know better people make better businesses and better businesses make a better world. Learn more:

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