
I’ve often thought about the familiar verse in Ecclesiastes 3:1, which says, “For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven.” Here is some insight into the meaning behind the verse, including this important truth, “Our situations will not last forever. If you are in a certain season of life, you can be confident the season will end at some point.”

The seasons of life are many and varied. I like to think of them as the early years, the middle years, and the latter years. As you go through each phase, there are lots of ups and downs, changes, fears, uncertainty, excitement, and exhilaration. You are riding the roller coaster of life, and you have to buckle up, hang on, and enjoy the ride.

Solomon’s words remind us that every good thing comes from God. Still, it’s hard to “enjoy the moment” in difficult seasons. In my desire to hang on until the hard season ends, I unknowingly push away the good with the bad. God is at work in all seasons, and He has promised to be with us.

Sometimes, we stand on the cusp of an unexpected season and resolve to take one step before the other until we get through it. We quote words that bring comfort and refuse to quit until we get the reprieve we’ve hoped for. The problem with this self-preservation is that we may miss the beautiful things happening amid the struggle. It has taken many seasons and a lot of quality time with Jesus to help me understand how to be present, enjoy the moment, and not waste a season. Yes, God has a time and purpose for everything—a truth that should bring us hope in both the joyous and the challenging seasons. It is the design of a loving Father who promises to work everything together for our good.

At Doing Good at Work, we equip and empower leaders and their people to live in and through each season of life. That’s why we encourage, engage, and enable businesses and organizations to build workplaces that recognize, care, and support one another. Would you like to lead a workplace like this?  If so, click HERE to start the conversation and explore how to sharpen your people strategy.

REMEMBER: Better People make Better Businesses, and Better Businesses make a Better World.

Navigate the Seasons Together,

Dr. Boomer Brown, Ph.D., is the CEO of Doing Good at Work. Doing Good at Work is a 501(c) 3 organization that functions like a business. We desire to “Make People Better” because we know better people make better businesses and better businesses make a better world. Learn more:

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