
Growing up, one of my favorite board games was Battleship. Each player had a game board and started with five ships. The ships had holes on top where a red peg would be inserted if the opposing player called out the corresponding number on the game board. A carrier had five holes, a battleship had four, a cruiser had three, a submarine had three, and a destroyer had two. The goal was to sink all your opponent’s ships before they sank yours.

Opponents sit facing each other with the lids of their game units raised so neither player can see the other’s ocean grid. Each player secretly places their fleet on the ocean grid. Once the ships are in place, players take alternating turns calling a shot on the grid (A1, C5, etc.). If the shot called hits a ship, a red peg is inserted in the ship, and if it misses, a white peg is inserted on the board.

I was good at the game, and typically, the game would end with at least one of my ships still in the water and my opponent’s ships full of red pegs sitting at the bottom of the ocean. Winning was great, and I always wanted to freeze that moment in time as a sign of my genius—but there was one problem. When the game was over, everything went back in the box.

We live our lives and accumulate things—trophies, diplomas, career accomplishments, houses, cars, and stuff from Best Buy. But at the end of your life, all of your achievements go back in the box. Ultimately, your relationships are what really matter.

Today is a good day to ensure that you have the right relationship with God and ask God to help you have the right relationships with others. That is what really matters most!

Doing Good at Work educates, equips, and empowers individuals, businesses, organizations, and non-profit leaders to build strong relationships at home, work, and in the community. Understanding yourself, others, and all the dynamics involved in relationships builds strong individuals, families, companies, and communities. How are your relationships? Click HERE to learn how to make them better.

REMEMBER: Better People make Better Businesses, and Better Businesses make a Better World.

Building Better Relationships,

Dr. Boomer Brown, Ph.D., is the CEO of Doing Good at Work. Doing Good at Work is a 501(c) 3 organization that functions like a business. We desire to “Make People Better” because we know better people make better businesses and better businesses make a better world. Learn more:

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