People Matter

One of my favorite Ledford Senior High School teachers was Larry McAlpine (pictured above – 1976). He taught World Studies (history), which was not a popular subject but was required. In addition, he was the Assistant Principal, and I had the opportunity to visit his office often. Mr. McAlpine was a tough teacher and administrator who could get your attention and deliver direct discipline when needed. So why would Mr. McAlpine be my favorite teacher? Because he believed in me and saw the potential in me. Mr. McAlpine understood that people matter and everyone is important, and he had a calling to shape future leaders. 

I learned a lot from Mr. Mac, but one of the things that I carry on today is the fact that “People Matter,” and I have a calling to help sharp leaders too. I believe the best in people, and no matter where they are today, I can encourage, educate, and empower them to move toward a preferred outcome that is better. 

Here’s my encouragement for you today: YOU MATTER. Wherever you are today, please know that your life matters. You are a person of great value, and someone (ME) believes in you and knows you have great potential. If death and taxes are guaranteed, so is the need for improvement and growth in our lives. If you don’t have a Mr. McAlpine in your life, I’d like to be that person. 

When I founded Doing Good at Work, the first principle that came to mind was “People Matter.” I have always exercised this core principle in my life and work. Whether I was selling shoes at Belk (my first job in high school), working in construction, serving as a minister, being a teacher and a coach, or leading as an IBM executive or college dean, people were important to me, and my job was to serve them and help them move toward better. I can’t define what better means for you, but I can help you discover it. 

Mr. McAlpine, me, and millions of people have discovered the truth that “People Matter.” We learned it from the original source: God. People matter to God, and He believes in us and sees the potential in each of us. He wants us to reach our potential and is cheering us on. 

At Doing Good at Work, we are in the people-shaping business and want to empower individuals, businesses, organizations, and non-profits to reach their potential. “People Matter” is a simple idea but a powerful one. I invite you to join others as a participant in the Doing Good at Work movement. Participants receive bi-monthly communications on the first and third Mondays and additional ideas about doing good in their community. They also have the opportunity to DO MORE GOOD by becoming a “Good Buddy.” If you know that people matter, click HERE to join the movement. 

People Matter,

Dr. Boomer Brown, Ph.D., is the CEO of Doing Good at Work. Doing Good at Work is a 501(c)3 organization that functions like a business. We desire to “Make People Better” because we know better people make better businesses, and better businesses make a better world. Learn more: 

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